Rail Applications
Gather and monitor data with the ability to receive alerts on railway related systems including but not limited to:
- Utility and generated power quality
- Track circuits : DC, Coded, AC
- Switch machines
- Radio towers
- Snow clearing devices
- Pumping stations
- Level crossings
- Bungalow environment & security
Pro-actively monitor railway systems:
Acquisition (SCADA) is a highly customizable monitoring and preventative maintenance resource for the railway industry.
Use live video and audio streaming, combined with sophisticated video analytics to provide customised alerts and alarms:
- Level crossing health and data collection
- Obstruction and trespassing notification
- Ridership behaviours and patterns
- Fare evasion and people-counting
Track Circuit Monitoring
Provides real time updates on physical data including, but not limited to:
- Current variations, supply voltages, relay and battery health and rail temperatures
- Customized alarms and alerts based on predetermined faults and conditions
- Collects data for trending analytics necessary for repair, preventative maintenance, and reliability
- Access data remotely through a user-friendly web-based GUI
- Reduces downtime and improves troubleshooting accuracy
- Non-invasive system which does not impact or influence critical rail systems
Level Crossing SCADA & CCTV
Monitor and collect LIDAR and video data at railway-roadway grade crossings. Enhanced by state-of-the-art video analytic functionality and 2 or 3-dimensional LIDAR, a complete remote picture of the grade crossing is presented in real time.
- Real time high-definition video with analytics, accessible remotely and delivering customized alerts based on select conditions, including but not limited to,
- Intrusion by pedestrians, animals and vehicles into defined crossing boundaries
- Health and status of level crossing track and equipment
- Signal bungalow environment status and security
- Non-Invasive system which does not impact or influence critical rail systems
- Access data remotely through a user-friendly web-based GUI
Railway SCADA FAQs
How is the product non-intrusive?
The system connects to existing equipment and devices through auxiliary dry contacts, communication ports and by using inductive and ambient sensors.
How secure is the network?
The network communicates via VPN and APN tunnels. The data is stored on a Windows server situated behind a firewall appliance. Customer data is encrypted using HTTPS on the industry standard and well-defined Port 443 using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption with secure 2048-bit X.509 certificates.
Who owns the data?
The client owns their data; TransitCom stores it on their behalf. It is the new “currency” with untold value and purpose in the realm of analytics and commerce.
How much room in the bungalow is required?
A typical location requires enough wall space to accommodate the 20”W x 20”T x 8”D NEMA 4 stainless steel cabinet. This can be installed inside or outside of the bungalow as required. The application of sensors and installation of cabling takes very little room and can often be integrated within existing wireways and boards.
What is the method of receiving a notification?
Typical alarms and alerts are received by email and SMS. Modes such as two-radio and VoIP phone messaging can be added as desired.
What are the reoccurring costs?
Other than the small monthly cost to provide utility power to the SCADA cabinet (if applicable) and to maintain the data only cellular SIM card, there are no recurring costs, subscription or otherwise, to operate the system.
Will the installation result in interruptions to active railway operations?
In most cases, there is little or no interruption to railway operations during the installation of the SCADA equipment and sensors. Should momentary disconnection of rail system(s) be required, the appropriate measures will be arranged to avoid upset or delay to the service.
How reliable are the cameras?
Once connected via PoE, the cameras are extremely resilient and reliable. The cameras are happy to operate continually from -50 ºC to +60 ºC (-58 ºF to +140 ºF) and up to +74 ºC (+165 ºF) according to the applicable NEMA test profile. They can withstand impacts of IK10+ (50 joules) and are some of the most ruggedly constructed in the industry.
How long does it take to install the different devices?
Once the small SCADA cabinet is installed, the time to deploy the devices vary depending upon the purpose of the installation, building construction and geographic location. TransitCom employs only certified electricians and technicians for our installations, so productivity is maximized. To further increase efficiency, panel assembly and testing takes place at our prefabrication facility before deploying to site.
What is the lead time on equipment?
Leadtime for equipment and specialty parts range from 0 – 3 weeks. TransitCom maintains a stock of most common items which mitigates the delay to project commencement. Our relationships with our suppliers are such that expediting shipments for time-sensitive deployments is typically not a concern.
Can the camera detect audio?
Yes. The audio-enabled versions of the cameras contain an integral microphone with an >50 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio. With the ability to stream audio up to 16KHz at 80kbps, very specific sounds and tones can be recognized and stored for analytics.
Can you use systems in isolated areas utilizing solar panels?
Yes. The combination battery-less UPS/power supply contained in each SCADA cabinet; power sources other than AC utility can be utilized. These “alternate” generation sources can be photo-voltaic cells and wind turbines (sized to suite loads and power storage options) and generators with steady and reliable fuel sources.
How accurate are the CT clamps?
The CTs (both split and solid core) have a basic accuracy of 1% of their maximum rated current and linearity of 10% to 100% full scale.
How far can you go back in time for data collected on the different systems?
There are no theoretical limits to the “history” which can be called-upon to generate a report, or simply viewed, other than the physical storage limits. Practically speaking, data can be stored from the instant the system is powered for as long as is needed.
What kind of product support is there? Warranty, labor for replacement?
Besides our one-year warranty on parts and labour, manufacturer’s warranties also apply. These are typically between one and three years from date of purchase. The manufacturer usually provides the labour component of the extended warranty through a certified installer such as TransitCom.
How often do the cameras have to be cleaned? Do you offer a service?
Cameras do require occasional cleaning if exposed to the elements and challenging environments. The cameras are IP and NEMA rated, so internal cleaning is rarely, if ever, required. It’s a good idea to engage in regular maintenance of your cameras which include routine cleaning and clearing-away of debris which may have collected. TransitCom can provide an SLA tailored to your system and requirements.
Is there a mobile option for each system for monitoring problem areas? A “suitcase” option for trouble shooting (track circuits, switches)? A mobile option for crossing analytics?
TransitCom offers portable and trailered solutions for various monitoring requirements such as track switches, track circuits and level crossings. Depending upon the duration of the monitoring, whether utility power is present, and the environmental conditions, custom enclosures, portable power and mounting options are available through our engineering and design team.
How many inputs are in a bungalow monitoring/crossing monitoring?
The maximum number of inputs (digital, analog or a mix of both) available to configure on a single controller is 256.